
Archive for the ‘happiness’ Category

Recently an ICICI Prudential advertisement on the television caught my eye. The ad showcases RETIREMENT as the WORLD’s BEST JOB. Well, they may be doing the right thing as far as selling their product is concerned, but what caught my eye was not that they made a good ad, instead I was wondering whether we should follow that principle in life ?

Let’s have a look at the ad first (just a 58 second clip) and then discuss.

The ad showcases a person dreaming about ‘doing what he loves and getting paid for it’, but, POST RETIREMENT. If you see the other way round, it means that the person does not love what he does presently. He dreams of a hundred things that he plans to do after retiring from his current job. Is that what you also plan to do ? Some 2-3 years back there was an AVIVA ad, featuring Sachin Tendulkar, and it correctly mentioned “Why wait till 60 candles on the birthday cake to do what you love/want to do!” Why is it that we are afraid to do what we want to do, currently ? You may think that I am being over optimistic in saying that if you really love to do something, you will definitely find time for doing that and that too without incurring monetary losses, but it’s not like that. In fact at the end of the day, you may be earning your entire living out of it. I personally know a few people who did exactly that! A technologist turning a pro-photographer is just one of them to be named. We even had one such person interviewed at the iReboot blog itself.



There is one more way and that is that you may not have to quit what you are currently doing and still do what you love. But frankly speaking, not many of us can do that, at least difficult to do for a long period. We may pursue for a short period and then we think and believe that “I will do this and that when I move out of job”, and then wait till we grow old enough to get surrounded by complacency and diseases. What happens next is something which I don’t need to say. All of us have seen our grandparents or parents, how they think when they reach that phase of life. They want to relax, free from all responsibilities and honestly they should be doing that having worked for so many years. After all everyone wants to ease out. And then later on all they have is stories to share with their grandchildren, “I would have done this, would have done that ….. with lots of “If’s and But’s ” !”. I feel that I’d rather tell my grandchildren, “I did this and I did that … ” without any IF’s and BUT’s and in the process also inspire them to follow their dreams and do what they love to do.

I am not sure but their will definitely be some of you who do not agree with me and the comments section is especially for those people, apart from those who agree. Do let me know what your thoughts are, would love to have an exchange of thoughts.

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Today, I spoke to Sidhanta Patnaik, who was the man behind all Nike events in India since quite some time apart from a few corporate events. In this interview, Sidhanta gives insights about his job, career, difficulties faced and how he dealt with them in order to do what he loves to do. I fired in 10 straight questions at Sidhanta and here are his answers :

I love my job

I love my job

1. Are you happy with your current job?

Job! That’s a new word. Till date I have never got into a scene where I have had to do a job. Every day I have just done what I love to do and because I have followed my heart, I can remember most of my days that I have spent at my work place.

2. What is the best part about your job and what do you love most?

I like everything about my profession. In my 21 months of stay at my present work place, I have boarded a flight 55 times and have visited 13 new cities across the country hence building an India wide network. Every day is a new day. You never know what is next!

3. What is your dream for life?

Dreams are meant to be pursued. Let’s all continue pursuing them and not talk about it.

4. I have read somewhere that you wanted to be a cricketer, since that was not fulfilled did you choose this field specifically to remain close to cricket?

Cricket is my passion and I grew up in a surrounding where Cricket was the only thing that was discussed or did. In my locality we had 10 playgrounds and it was only Cricket that was played there. I organised my first Cricket match when I was in Class 3. It was a section match and I still remember the score of that match. I opened the innings and remained unbeaten on 6(Laugh). Since then there has been no looking back and I kept on deriving happiness by organising tournaments. I always asked myself how I can make Cricket my career and today I have found an answer though there is still a long way to go. It’s just the beginning and there are lots of tasks to be done before I actually reach there.

5. Event management does not seem familiar to many people, especially with the people of our parent’s age, what did your parents say when you said you want to pursue a career/course in event management?

I was sitting at my aunt’s place in Bangalore in 2002 when the moment of Eureka happened to me. That was my first year outside home and I was watching TV and a television commercial on an event captured my imagination. I could relate that advertisement to my skills and that day it was decided. When I called my dad and said about my choice of career, he asked me to come back to Bhubaneswar and start a tent house instead of wasting time and resources in Bangalore. But today when he sees me in my profession, he can’t stop from smiling and feeling happy. 2002 to 2009 has been a great transition phase for event management as an industry. Today we are an integral part of the experience business that everyone is talking about.

6. How did you convince him when he made fun of your thought about the career you chose?

There was no need to convince him. He always had belief in my intentions and capabilities and if your parents see that confidence in you, they have to just be the facilitators and roads will keep opening automatically.

7. Did you get the desired profile straightaway when you joined Wizcraft?

It is a very wrong way to judge a task by it’s profile. It is my personal opinion. What matters is intent. If your intent is right, roads open up and from one task you move to another and slowly you get to do what you want to do. This way the journey becomes much more satisfying as you value what you get. My journey in Wizcraft has been pretty much like this.

8. How did you craft your way to that position and how long did that take?

I can just say that I was there at the right place at the right time. However to be there one needs to work hard and hard and hard!!! There is no two way about it.

9. What are your long term goals? And what would be your next step to approach those?

Hmmmmm!!! Long terms goals!!! Tough one to answer. There are so many things that I want to do. But at the same time I know I am just one individual. For me to achieve what I want to achieve, it is very important that I get the right team wherever I go. Goals keep changing. The more you dedicate yourself to a task, the bigger your goal becomes. We started our schooling career keeping a goal of passing class 10th and then 12th and then degree and then masters. Today those things look so small. So it is a step by step process and at every step you need to keep reviewing your stance. Sachin Tendulkar never aimed at scoring more than 80 centuries in international cricket but he is right there at the top now. We all saw his career grow year by year, step by step.

10. What is your advice to the people who know they are in not in the best jobs but are carrying it for money? How do you suggest they come out of it and make a better career and life for themselves?

If you look at this question, I am actually a no one to give any advice to anyone. I have just started my career. As for me I can say when it comes to money or dreams, it is an individual choice that one needs to make. Everyone can’t be lucky. The world runs on the lines of commitment management and to meet those commitments money becomes so important. But again if you don’t enjoy your life how will you give your best to all the commitments that surround you? It actually takes some time (days, months, years) to recognize what you truly love to do. That moment may come anytime. The faster it comes the better it is. But for that moment to come, you need to keep thinking about it. The more you think the more you become clear inside your head and slowly and steadily the right kind of displacements start happening around you and finally one day you realize that time has come to move on to the next step in life.

Sidhanta was an event-manager at Wizcraft International and recently quit to pursue a master’s course in Sports Management from UK. To know more about him read this.

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Recently I was a friends’ gathering and was shell shocked to hear what people were talking about. No, they were not talking about recession, they were not about their personal lives either. Yes, they were talking about how UNHAPPY they were at their present jobs. In a group of 7 not even 1 said good about their job profile. You might be thinking what’s new in this, everyone cribs about their bosses, about how unfair the company policies were and things like that. But the fact is and I was really surprised, so might be you, that they were not complaining about their bosses or the company policies for that matter. What they complained was that they have made a wrong career choice or said that “this is not what I want to do my entire life“. And what’s worse is that it had been only two years since they had been in those jobs.

Does everyone hate his/her job ?

Does everyone hate his/her job ?

I decided to confront them with a few questions. If not this, then what that is you want to do? And the common answer I got was the general problem “I don’t know what but not this definitely”. So I said, Ok then, why not leave this job and find what you want to do? No is the answer again I get as nobody wants to end a consistent source of income. Well, my perception is if you don’t try something else then how will get to know what you want to do? You’ve been in this job since some time, and only by doing that you’ve understood that this is not your cup of tea, then why not try some other tea ?

I came back from the get-together and started wondering if it’s only those guys who feel that or is that it is a general perception. Well, it took me a month so realize that most of the people are not happy with their jobs, various reasons though. Whenever I met such people I always asked them, why don’t you quit your job and do what you like/love (those who had an answer to what they’d love to do) ? The common answers were , I don’t know whether I will succeed in that field, I will not get same money in the beginning since I don’t have an experience in that field, I have dependents so I cannot risk and as it is, it’s recession. After hearing the same old answers and giving them similar advice, I decided it’s no point giving gyaan to those people, probably 90% of them must have taken a deep breadth and forgotten what I said.

Then for a week I had been to delhi, and came across another group of friends. All of them engineers by qualification. I assumed they must also be under similar state of mind as all others. The answer to that is YES and NO. Why yes ? It’s for the simple reason that they did not love their jobs. No, because they didn’t say those regular answers, they said I need to give some time, experience a few things until I find what to do. Being engineers all had got nice cushy jobs, Siemens (electronics), Infosys (IT), Sidwal (mechanical) were the prominent companies they’d worked in and were not satisfied after a few months, and so they QUIT.

While one had interest in media, struggled for a few days and then joined a Print Media company, a second one was going to study a course in Economics (an engineer going for an Economics course, never heard) in the UK, a third one pursuing a course in Cinematography from Mumbai (never heard that either), a fourth guy started a designing firm, fifth starts a Branding firm, sixth goes for event management and a seventh gets a job where he has just got to do what he loves – CODE.

Seeing that group of friends I realized that it’s not that we cannot do or take that decision, it’s about Do you really believe in yourself ? One thing common in that group was that all believed in themselves and had a common thinking that “If I am good at something, then why won’t I succeed !”.”It may take some time to get to the right place but ultimately I will be at a position where I can say that this is what I want to do and won’t spend my entire life cribbing about it”. The case I have mentioned is not a Bollywood film story, it’s a real case. Well, I must say we all fear loss of a constant source of income but is it not the RISK worth taking ? What we want to do in our lives, can’t we give it a try even once? I guess it was their attitude towards life that made them take those decisions. It was not that all of them were very sure of what they are doing, but they were at least trying to find out and what’s best. Once you decide you really wanna find something, one day you will definitely succeed. Two of them have already started making good money and hope the rest will succeed too and more importantly they will be HAPPY.

What do you people feel ? I “may” be wrong as well, let me know what you think and would love to have some discussions regarding same.

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Are you doing in life what you love to do ? Will you be happy in the same profession just 2 years down the line, forget lifetime? Do you really wake up to do that job everyday or are you doing it for some other reason, read as money? Have you ever asked yourself the question “Why am I doing this?” You must have. But the next question would have been “What if I quit this?” And then your mind would have stopped thinking. What will I answer my parents, what will I do next? How will I earn my living?

Most of us are not able to figure out what we want to do in life? And to be very frank we don’t trust ourselves so much that we can quit our current secure source of income and still be able to survive. If we discuss with our peers even they would never suggest that, the common answer would be “I can understand you don’t want to do this but first find out what you want to do, secure some source of income and then move out from this job”. And this answer seems perfect to you. Then you resolve to find out what you love and continue your current job again, work like anything till after some days you realize that you still haven’t found out what you love.
In reality you haven’t bothered or been able to find time to find the answer to that question.
If you continue to work your current job full time then in 99.99% cases you won’t be able to find time to find the answer. You might spend a weekend or two in thinking hard but then the next week starts and so does the same old story. This will continue for quite some years and the next time you will realize that you need to find what you love…but by then… it would be too late! You are married and probably have a couple of kids as well. That day you will decide that now you are not in a position to take any risk, probably you should have tried it earlier, but its no use regretting so you forget everything and start living the way every other individual does.

Wake up man!!! What are you doing ? Are you making the most of your life? If not then why ? Why are you afraid to try different things? Why not give office a bunk or maybe try to finish off that work early and try something which you love to do? Why not connect to people who want to make their life larger? Why not explore ? The point is when you do all this, it would just be a matter of a few days or maybe months, in some cases, when you will find out what is that you would love to do all your life. It’s then when you will never crib again in the morning that you have to go to work instead wait eagerly for that morning. It will change. You will be a satisfied and a happy individual and then enjoy life every day, not wait for the weekends!
After all someone has very correctly said, “Find a job which you love to do and you will never have to go to work again“.

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